So without further ado here is Alysaundre's Perfectly Pointed Gore Technique:
On the left is the gore, and on the right we have our main fabric with the slash. Flip your gore upside down over slash Right Sides Together (RST).
Find the place where your seam allowances converge, and place your pin through the mark.Place the pin above your slash by 2-3 threads.
Pin through both layers.
Position your needle directly over your pin, where you marked the converging line of your seam allowance. Take Two stitches across the top of the gore.
You can hardly see those two tiny stitches, but they are there to be an anchor, and mark your starting/stopping point for your seam.
Pivot the gore to align the seam allowances.
Notice that the seam allowance doesn't match exactly at the top of the slash. This is OK! If you pull the gore over to make it match you will distort the grain of the gore and your point will get wonky.
Sew seam with your needle inserted into the two stitches you took earlier. Use the gore to align your seam allowance, not the slash.
See, nice and even from this side, just don't look at the back.
This part always feels weird to me. Match the other side of the gore and the slash RST.
Align the seam allowance from the bottom remembering thet the seam allowances won't align at the top
Again use the gore to align your seam allowance. I found it easier to sew bottom up on this pass. End your seam at the two stitches.
Now press your seam allowances from the gore out.
Now you have a perfect pointed gore!